TokenDirectory by RWA Investors

Legal & Compliance

Automated Scam & Compliance Checks
What we check and what we don't

We perform basic automated checks on listed tokens, including:

  • Cross-referencing with scam databases (Chainabuse).
  • Screening for OFAC-sanctioned addresses.
  • Monitoring public smart contract audits (if available).
Regulatory Disclaimers
Important information regarding regulations


Some tokens may qualify as Asset-Referenced Tokens (ART) under EU Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA). We do not validate compliance with MiCA requirements.


Tokens listed here may be classified as securities under the Howey Test. We are not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and do not provide investment advice.

General Disclaimer

This directory does not endorse or guarantee the safety of any token. The information provided on this platform is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investment advice. We are not responsible for any losses that may occur from using the information provided on this platform.

Use at your own risk. We strongly recommend performing thorough due diligence before interacting with any token or project listed on this platform.

How our automated checks work

Scam Database Checks

We automatically query public scam databases for reports related to the token's contract address, website, and associated addresses. These checks are performed daily but may not catch the newest scams.

Sanction Screening

We check if contract addresses or known developer addresses appear on the OFAC Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.

Smart Contract Audits

We check if the token's smart contract has been audited by a known security firm based on publicly available information. An "Unverified" status does not necessarily mean the contract is unsafe, just that we cannot confirm a professional audit.